Saving lives with VR

Connect the Dots delivers a virtual reality (VR) tool to the healthcare sector, increasing the quality and availability of medical procedure training. “We use VR to prepare health workers for real-life events where they must act quickly to save a patient’s life,” says Siva Snarby, CEO and co-founder of Connect the Dots (CTD).

Health worker with VR headset measuring pulse on a virtual patient
The Explorer

Snarby knows first-hand how emergency helps to save lives. When her brother had an allergic reaction to nuts, his girlfriend, a health worker, saved his life. “It was a matter of seconds between life and death. Thankfully, she had good training in use of the EpiPen,” says Snarby.

Not all healthcare personnel receive adequate training, however. “In-person training is not offered as often as it should be due to high costs and time constraints. Also, procedures must be practiced regularly in order to be executed correctly,” she explains.

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